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Non-hazardous waste

Non-hazardous waste

The aim is to convert waste into useful high added value products. In essence, waste is reintroduced to the human consumption chain, contributing to the sustainable development of the local community and thus the national economy.

The proper management of such waste is carried out in terms of the sustainable and holistic management of organic outputs with the aim of converting waste into useful high added value products, such as bio-compost and biogas, which are reintroduced to the human consumption chain contributing to the sustainable development of the local community and therefore the national economy.

Examples include the following:

  • Livestock waste
  • Food & beverage industry waste
  • Animal by-products
  • Sludge from WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plants)
  • Agricultural residues

Tserkezidis Bros O.E. operates in the area of non-hazardous waste management.